Happily, one constant has been "Those Little Donuts". Available here and there throughout the park, these hot and cinnamonny little guys conjure up scenes from my childhood and put me in a good mood as soon as we walked in the gate! Surprisingly, we did not come just for the food. I think my favorite thing is, and always has been, seeing the animals.
I'm pretty sure that this is stressful for some of the animals but its a chance for folks to learn a little about how animals are cared for and where their food comes from. The horrible videos we see of animal mistreatment are the exception and not the rule.
And someone has a green thumb. Wow!
There is some impressive entertainment if you time it right including the long running SuperDogs show.
SuperDogs is a wonderful entertaining show to all but the crankiest of fair goers (the dogs are those little blurs in my photo).
And there is much more depending on what your inclination is, be it dragons and mythology...
Or science and technology. And OK, so we kind of did come for the food too.
But I am going to go right ahead and recommend that you stay clear of the deep fried hamburger. This was a novel idea but in order to contain a hamburger the batter needs to be industrial strength and it was!
I would say good try if it didn't take 30 minutes from getting in line to getting a burger from this understaffed food stand. Still, now I can say, "Oh sure! I've had a deep fried hamburger!"
Don't worry though! There are plenty of other deep fried things to be had, like mediocre fish and chips.
And Kit Kat bars referred to as "Fries". These were good!
No, we didn't try the candy apple with the bugs on it. I would like to taste crickets and believe that they will become an important future protein source, but stuck to an apple is not what I envision. Sorry!
It was a fun day but we are too tired (and not that interested...sorry Burton) to stay for the evening show.
The best part of the day had to be Juelle's (Marie's Granddaughter) first pony ride!
See ya!
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