Once I learned that we were going to DC/Maryland in August for the wedding (see previous posts), I immediately started researching vegan eats in the area. One of the most exciting places that I came across was Pow Pow Plant Based Bowls and Rolls. Mharie and I spent the better part of the day in DC on Tuesday (YouTube video someday soon) and this would be our lunch spot.
Pow Pow Plant Based Bowls and Rolls, Washington, DC
Silver Diner, Maryland - Vegan Options
Mharie wanted to buy dinner for the two families on Sunday (see previous post) and asked me to find a place where vegans and omnivores alike could thrive. I was quite excited to find Silver Diner as the whole diner thing is less impressive in British Columbia than in the District of Columbia (see what I did there?). There are 26 Silver Diners in the DC, Maryland and Virginia area (which they like to refer to as the DVM), so it was easy to find one that would accommodate the baker's dozen of us.
Kechy Pizza Company, Baltimore, MD - Vegan Options
So we arrived at Dulles International Airport on Saturday for festivities surrounding R.J. (my wife's son) and Reena's wedding. They had arranged a little boat tour of the Baltimore waterfront (at some point, I'll try to put something up on YouTube, if you're interested) and then we all (13 of us) went for pizza to a place Reena's brother had discovered! It was just a few blocks walk up from the waterfront at the corner of S. Calvert and E. Redwood.
Santo Taco - Vegan Options
Santo Taco is a newly opened Mexican food eatery located across from the Woodward's complex on East Hastings in Vancouver. As soon as I saw some of their Insta postings, I messaged them to find out if there were vegan or vegan friendly items on their menu. I was assured that there were.
Sai Plant Deli Vegan Karaage at the Powell Street Festival
It's been 2 years since we made it to the Powell Street Festival and I have to admit that I was more motivated by food than culture this time. This is a Japanese Canadian cultural festival with stages, displays and food. We were able to experience the Buddhist Temple at Powell and Jackson on our last visit. Our real motivation was, having seen Insta posts by Sai Plant Deli for their vegan Karaage Tofu, and knowing from their schedule that they would be here, the desire to try this delicious looking treat.
And, sure enough, there they were. Of course, their biggest shingle was for Secret Ice Cream but we knew what that meant! We had enjoyed the plant based ice cream before and knew that SIC, Vegan Pudding and Sai Plant Deli were all indelibly linked.
Elephant Garden Creamery - Vancouver Ice Cream Festival - Vegan Options
We got our Vancouver Ice Cream Festival visit to Elephant Garden Creamery in just under the wire on the second last day of the festival. It was definitely worth it! EGC is just a short walk north of Broadway Skytrain Station on Commercial providing a small calorie burn that will partially offset your treats.
Killer Ice Cream - Vancouver Ice Cream Festival - Vegan Options
So the Vancouver Ice Cream Festival is running from June 21 to August 5 this year. There are 29 ice cream shops that are running special dishes or flavours for the festival and you can sample them at their places of business which shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. Of the 29, 6 have at least one vegan item that they are featuring for the festival. We had never been to Killer Ice Cream and decided to go for a healthy walk along 4th Avenue from Tayybeh to get ourselves some dessert!
Terracotta Tummy - Plant-Based Meal Prep
I was quite excited about the arrival of this year's, Plant Curious Vancouver Deals. What had in previous years been a book of coupons is this year all online which is fine but I would love it more if there was an actual app. Anyway, one of the first available deals (the deals will come and go this year) was for the meal prep service, Terracotta Tummy. I know people who have used meal prep services and have found them OK, but we never have. To be honest, I'm not sure what the definition of a "meal prep" is as some services send you ingredients for easy cooking while this one sends you actual prepared meals. Either way, no time like the present to try out something new.
About Us
Are you guys eating again? At some point Marie and I became the kind of people who take pictures of everything we eat, whether in a restaura...
The Keg? A palace of beef is no place for a vegan, or so I would have thought. My Mother, while sorting through some stuff, found a couple o...
Henderson Place Mall lives in the shadow of the much larger Coquitlam Centre Mall across the street. We visited on a dreary Saturday and whi...
After soaking up some sunshine quayside while enjoying coffee from Shipyards Coffee and some surprisingly good apricot bread from Cobbs (veg...