Tayybeh - Vegan Options

 Once again, we are beaten by the Vegan Twosome to the new place on our radar (check them out on YouTube). Taybeh is one of the few places with a Plant Curious offer that we are not familiar with (same motivation for Vegan Twosome no doubt) so we just had to check this place out. One bus ride from Burrard Station got us there although parking is not bad in the area if you are driving. Located at 4th and MacDonald, this is not a vegan eatery but they have several vegan options as Middle Eastern places (in this case Syrian) often do.

We arrived on Saturday mid-afternoon and were able to get a table right away. Our servers were very welcoming and made us feel at home right away. The Plant Curious Deal was a free Falafel Pita when a Falafel Combo was ordered. 
A Combo is just the addition of some pretty good hummus and pita chips.  
The additional Falafel Pita ended up making the trip home with us to be enjoyed later. It was a good sandwich but a little on the dry side. We dipped it in the hummus to solve that and I noticed some hot sauce on a different table which might have helped also. The pita chips themselves were tasty enough and no doubt healthier than French fries or potato chips. Pita chips and hummus is on of those excellent vegan standby snacks.
We really enjoyed the Crispy Cauliflower although it wasn't overly crispy. With some impressive Syrian seasoning (I want to say Zatar) and topped with pomegranate molasses there was a lot of excellent flavour here! More hummus and a nicely crunchy side salad made this another meal all by itself.
We decided to try a couple of their bakery items as well like this Spinach Fatayer. Filled with spinach and more pomegranate, this would be a tasty bite to go with your morning coffee. Very nice.
This is not the first time we have had Zatar Manaeesh. It is another flavourful bite with the Middle Eastern signature spice blend, Zatar. We really like this. I made a Zatar blend which includes the citrusy flavour of sumac at home a while ago and it goes on a lot of things and provides a unique taste.
So it turns out there is a little more room in Tayybeh than the impression that we got from Google. There is indeed one small table outside but its not a roomy sidewalk and a busy street' so maybe not ideal. Our hosts were very friendly and it turns out that they got their start as a take out joint during the pandemic (different location). Today catering is a big part of their business and they also offer quite a few prepared foods in addition to the pita chips and hummus. Nice atmosphere, food and people. We enjoyed our visit.

Food                                 4 out of 5
Vegan Options                  4 out of 5
Comfort                             4 out of 5
Service                              4 1/2 out of 5
Value                                 4 out of 5

Is a Vegan Diet Too Expensive or Inaccessible?

I was told recently by a friend (and this led to a spirited discussion), that it was too expensive for most people to eat a vegan diet. He said that veganism was considered to be only available to people of privilege, that it was a North American thing (I recently read that it's a G20 thing), not available to most people in the world. This is not verbatim but I feel like the basic premise of what my friend said is here and needs to be addressed.

First of all, it needs to be stated that Veganism is not a diet. It is an ethical stand against cruelty towards animals (including human animals...my friend seems quite concerned about migrant farm workers and rightly so) to the extent that it is possible and practicable. No one is suggesting that a person starve to death if he lives in an area where the only sustenance available is fish (for example) and there are such places. It is another one of those progress not perfection kind of things. One does the best that one can. And while I am not well placed to address the plight of migrant farm workers, that does not mean that I should do nothing at all. That would be taking an all-or-nothing position and...nothing would be accomplished. I am still in a position to reduce cruelty on the planet (though there will likely always be cruelty) by not eating animals or consuming animal products (including migrant farm workers ....sorry; that certainly borders on offensive). Many people eat plant-based because they are concerned about their health and the impact that animal agriculture has on the environment and climate change and that is admirable but veganism is more specifically defined as above.

But the question that I will attempt to address here is one of affordability and accessibility for you and me, and the many who struggle to make ends meet, right here in Metro Vancouver. Hopefully, in future posts, I will be able to address the issue of cruelty towards animals in the dairy and egg industries (hint: it is most certainly as bad as the meat industry), and the damage that animal agriculture does to the environment (hint: by some metrics, it is considered to be as much a contributor to climate change as fossil fuel). You can wait for that or you can do some research for yourself (avoid the temptation to use TikTok or Facebook) and realize what is actually going on. Or you can keep your head buried in the sand which is a popular choice. On some level, I don't actually blame people for choosing to remain ignorant as realization and change are hard. For many people, forming an opinion and sticking to it, excludes the possibility of correcting that position (OK, Boomer).In my own life, I have made several massive policy swings as I grew and educated myself and I can tell you that some of those changes were difficult and required humility. 

It is probably a pretty common idea that the reason veganism is expensive is that vegans only eat organic and non-GMO foods from Whole Foods or farmer's markets. While I do not question anyone's right to do that (I made the mistake of mentioning Woody Harrelson to my friend who he apparently considers to be a bit of a weirdo and who probably imports expensive exotic fruits on yachts because he has unlimited money and therefore it is easy for him to be vegan. I doubt that is a fair picture of WH but I have admittedly exaggerated my friend's reaction (for comedy effect!) to him as well. Of course, Woody could afford to be a carnivore and not give a shit also.). The fact remains that there are people who spend a lot of money avoiding animal products and that is their right but such is not necessary.  Just like omnivores might choose to eat only wagyu beef or vegetarians may choose to eat only Taleggio cheese and truffles (for the record, I miss Taleggio a great deal), we can spend a lot or a little on our nutritious food. I am not an advocate of insisting on non-GMO foods (the science of GMOs is keeping us alive even now) or organic farming which, as it produces about half of the produce of conventional farming, makes it definitely inaccessible to most people of the world. I admit that I do like to browse at WF because they have cool stuff like wildly coloured carrots but I rarely buy anything.

Also admittedly, my wife and I eat out at least once on most weekends. It's not because we have to but because we like to, we can afford to and I like to have fodder for this blog. When I first began leaning in the cruelty-free direction, I was not flush with cash (I am not really currently flush with cash either) but I realized that the most expensive things in my grocery cart were meat and dairy products! Now going vegan does not just mean removing those things from the cart (although that is a good first step) but requires some intelligent replacement. Another idea out there might be that vegans replace meat with faux meat (like Impossible Nuggets) but that would not be the intelligent way to make a transition and would be very expensive. I like to think of Impossible Nuggets as the vegan's trip to MacDonalds.

So what is in my grocery cart and what do I eat most days? Fruits and vegetables (the first section we run into in most grocery stores) of course and I try to eat 3 fruits a day and at least 3 vegetables.  I try to buy the in-season, reasonably priced produce and refuse to pay $5 for a cauliflower. I like to include something green such as broccoli, spinach or even the dreaded kale makes an occasional appearance. I love sweet potatoes. I'm not against eating frozen fruits and vegetables (I've become a sucker for the blueberry propaganda and sometimes the frozen ones are cheaper and may be fresher than the actual fresh product). Overall, it's pretty simple and cheap and I hope even omnivores and vegetarians include more than just potatoes and bananas in their cart. 

I do make a pass down the dairy aisle (we most often shop at RCSS) as I admit that I like vegan (coconut) sour cream. It is a little more expensive than regular sour cream but I largely use it as a condiment so not really an essential. I also have some vegan cheese in my fridge some of which is pretty good these days but it is not a necessity and I would never consider paying regular price for it. I always have some sort of plant-based milk in the fridge but I don't drink it like we drank dairy milk as kids when we were told we needed it for strong bones and teeth! Speaking of condiments, I have a fridge door full of the usual stuff including mayo (Hellman's Vegan Mayo is the same price as regular) and vegan butter which is actually cheaper than the dairy stuff! I have a lot of Asian, South Asian and Southeast Asian condiments including vegan oyster sauce. I generally have some sort of seedy whole grain bread in my freezer and pita and tortillas. None of these is too expensive and I'm sure most people have them at home as well. Oh, and there is always peanut butter in the pantry, occasionally some avocados in the fridge and the vegan cliche product, nutritional yeast. In case you're wondering, I take a vitamin supplement to make sure I get enough B12.
The last category is whole grains, nuts and seeds, and beans and pulses including tofu (from soybeans, obviously). This might qualify as our meat replacement category. I'm not going to address people who think soy is bad for you. The whole estrogen in soy problem has been debunked and does not need to be addressed. If you are concerned about protein (and I am not), this is where you will find most of it. Diet For A Small Planet written decades ago, explained how the amino acid deficiencies and strengths in grains and beans complement each other and provide complete protein. Nuff said. There is probably not a place in the world where a bean/grain dish is not central to the diet. India has its curried lentils and rice, Mexico has tortillas and black beans, and Japan has soba noodles and tofu. My friend blurted out that Indians do not like dal and rice but I'm going to need some empirical evidence before I accept such a bizarre assertion. The point is that veganism is accessible to most people on the planet. The second point is that dried or canned beans, whole grains, tofu (I love tofu properly prepared and eat it almost every day) and even nuts and seeds if you are sparing with them, are cheap AF compared to a meat and dairy filled diet!
Special equipment? Yes. I have a slow cooker and a rice cooker if you consider that special equipment and you are going to need to plan ahead a little more if you previously relied on pork chops or eggs to provide your viand. I also recently treated myself to a Vitamix which was like $400. I hope it will last a long time and it is a monster for breaking down everything from ice to cashews. I did without it for a long time though and I would not consider it essential.
Yes, I meal plan. I cook for several days at a time including my lunches for a week. Despite all that I often give in to temptation, occasionally micro-dosing on chips (not easy to eat just a few) and vegan ice cream (Ben and Jerry's vegan Cherry Garcia when I can find it) or sorbet. Even Oreos make an occasional appearance as the great accidentally vegan cookie. None of these things are good for anybody but everyone deserves a treat.

So why does veganism seem elitist? Well, I don't think it does. Maybe you care what celebrity influencers say. I don't particularly. I am a fan of Earthing Ed, Happy Healthy Vegan and yes, even Woody Harrelson who has been a vegan for decades, long before Beyond Meat was even a thing. The early vegans were by necessity, anything but elite and all of the influencers that I mentioned above are humble and down to earth. Look for them on YouTube. On the other hand, if you listen to a lot of dumb shit from Joe Rogan and Jordan Pettersen then of course you are going to be critical of vegans.

Further questions for discussion...Will cows become extinct if we stop eating dairy? Well probably since we bred them into existence to be docile and largely immobile as the perfect milk machines but hopelessly in need of human protection. We could keep some in a zoo if you like (or I know some sanctuaries that have cows) Also, their ancestors (I'm guessing wildabeest, carabao, bison kind of things?) would survive nicely if we don't hunt them out of existence.

What would happen to all the animals if we suddenly all went vegan (Oh, I'm sure that could happen)? Animals are a commodity and bred on a supply and demand basis and as demand fell, their populations would fall. I would prefer to see them engage in an armed revolt but that is really only a concept for a video game.

Why are vegans so judgy?  Answer: It's hard not to be judgy when you're completely right! Hah! Just kidding! You can eat whatever the fuck you want but don't try to tell me that since you are a vegetarian you are not responsible for animal harm! You will feel my wrath! Hah! Just kidding again!
Of course, cruelty-free eggs and dairy are theoretically possible even while remaining ethically questionable but where do we all actually get our dairy and eggs? Well, not from nice little pastoral family farms but from factory farms where they crank out huge volumes of animal products but are motivated 100% by dollars and 0% by compassion.  If only cruelty-free animal products were produced from those little lovely family farms, there certainly would not be enough for everyone! Talk about inaccessible and elitist!

BTW, as near as I can piece together, cows would normally live 20 years or longer. On a dairy farm, a cow is first artificially inseminated at 2 or 3 years of age. Their calves are taken from them and become meat at some point (a certain number of the females obviously feed into the milk production). My friend says that dairy cows are happy cows because he has been on a farm and knows. When I say that cows are stressed by having their calves taken away from them that is apparently anthropomorphism...but the happy cows picture is not. Anyway, the cows can bear 3 or 4 cycles of calving and then giving milk (to us) for about a year each time. Then they are retired (at say 6 or 7 years) to a lovely field with all the grass and clover they can eat, for the rest of their lives. Hah! Just kidding again! We kill them! But farmers love their cows so that makes it ok. 

Thank you so much if you actually did read this and didn't just look at the pictures! Why not comment? Maybe we can discuss this further.

Hellcrust Pizza - Vegan Options

All of a sudden, it occurs to me that vegan pizza is not such a rare commodity anymore. There are a lot of small chains, and single outposts, not to mention Pizza, Pizza and Panago, that offer plant-based alternatives now. I might have to stop running all over the lower mainland just because I heard there was vegan pizza. That won't stop happening though until we have at least tried Hellcrust Pizza.

So there are a few of these around, but I wasn't paying attention until I realized that there are some vegan options on the pizza menu. Admittedly, I kind of like the name of this place.
So we ordered a couple of pies and took them home to try them. The first was the Vegan Sinister Pepperoni. In this case, the pepperoni was by Field Roast and was good. Everything else was tasty enough also including the crust and vegan Mozzarella. We like this semi-evil theme that seems to run through the menu.
The vegan Veggie Saviour is pretty basic. We ordered it because, as you may know, my wife likes pineapple on pizza. This one also had spinach and red bell pepper. It was perfectly acceptable.
The really impressive thing about Hellcrust is the prices! All the vegan pizzas are one size and $14.99. I have come to expect to pay more. The smallest size at Panago is $15.25  Also, there are 7 different vegan pies to choose from and 14 Metro Vancouver locations. Not bad!

Food                             3 out of 5
Vegan Options             4 out of 5
Comfort                        3 out of 5
Service                         4 out of 5
Value                            3 1/2 out of 5

Happy Veggie World - Vegan / Vegetarian Grocery

So, not a restaurant but we got a coupon for a couple of free products (and we love free products) at the Planted Expo and so headed to Richmond to take a walk through this little store.

As I have said before, I am a lentil and rice (or bean chilli and quinoa or whatever), fruit, vegetable and tofu kind of guy. We are not big consumers of plant-based meats but they are kind of a fun treat sometimes. Just like omnivores might like a trip to MacDonald's but without the cruelty and heart disease! 
I might have gotten a little carried away here as there was so much to choose from! Our hosts were enthusiastic and let us know that their website would be up and functional soon!
So, as I said, too much stuff but really, we had to make the trip all the way to Richmond worthwhile. What would we try first?
We made some rice and tried both the vegan Kung Pao Chicken and the vegan Citrus Ribs. I know its redundant to keep saying vegan but I don't want to leave any potential doubt as the food itself looks very meatlike. They were both delicious as well! There was a nice meaty texture and the sauces were amazing. I didn't stop using animal products because I didn't like the taste but so that I wouldn't be responsible for someone having to kill or mistreat an animal, so don't be surprised if I am enthusiastic about something that is close to what I used to enjoy..
The Spicy Lion''s Mane Mushroom Soup was very spicy! It was Szechuan peppercorn spicy and left us sweating and with numb tongues! In addition to a fair amount of mushrooms, there was tofu, some veggies and garlic and a decent broth. I would get this again as long as I could take a shower after!
The vegan Black Pepper Steak was another dish that paired best with rice. Like the chicken and ribs earlier, the' beef' itself was a very good faux meat and had a decent texture. 
We have had Omni vegan products before, in fact at Kirin Seafood Restaurant. We took some of their fish filets and made pretty tasty sandwiches this time! Grilled in a sandwich press with tomatoes, arugula and vegan cheese. Nice!

We still have a lot more at home to try including fish-flavoured tofu, tempeh and vegan fish balls, not to mention a couple of cans of Omni 'tuna'. There is a lot more in the store that we just couldn't take with us but we will eventually! We're very happy to know about Happy Veggie World. 

Chau Veggie Express, Granville Island - Vegan Market Eatery

We almost completely missed the Vancouver International Jazz Festival again this year but  at least showed up for one performance. We were delighted with the young people (as well as the organizers and mentors) of the Vancouver Youth Jazz Orchestra. They played on Sunday afternoon at Performance Works on Granville Island.

They played Count Basie to Duke Ellington tunes as you would expect but with a couple of Soundgarden and Steely Dan tunes thrown in as well. The future of jazz in Vancouver seems secure even if everything else in the world is going to hell!
Of course, we had to eat also. In the market, Chau Veggie Express is an all plant-based eatery. We have been to their main outlet on Victoria Drive so knew that we could count on some tasty eats here.
Obviously, salad rolls are a mainstay when eating vegan Vietnamese and we have had more than a few but these Namahata Rolls came with a lemon dipping sauce which was more than interesting! Even the rolls themselves were souped up with shredded bean curd, crispy shallots, mung beans and quinoa. This could be your affordable vegan meal on Granville Island all by itself at only $7!
The Midnight Swim Bowl was served on a wild rice blend with lots of goodies (tofu, mushrooms, veggies) and topped with a spicy peanut garlic soy mushroom sauce! It came with lots of greens which I swept to the side for the sake of the photo. This was substantial and delicious!
Noodles served as the base of the Rice Fields Bowl (rice noodles) with dark soy garlic mushroom sauce. Again lots of veggies made this a substantial tasty bowl that filled us up but without the heaviness that comes with a filling carnivore meal. We felt content that we were eating our veggies too!
This one came with a side of savoury Lychee-Date Broth which was delicious not to mention interesting and a bit of a departure for us as far as soup is concerned!
Granville Island, especially the market, is generally a madhouse on the weekend. I always think that it is a good idea to go but am in a hurry to get out once we arrive. We are happy to know that there is a rock solid place for us to get sustenance without having to ask a lot of questions and holding up the inevitable line! The menu is broad and with a fair bit of variety including vegan ice cream. Nice!

Food                            4 out of 5
Vegan options             5 out of 5
Comfort                       3 out of 5 (not their fault - food court madness)
Service                        4 out of 5
Value                           4 1/2 out of 5

Grounds and Greens, Fort Langley - Plant Based Cafe

Our first visit to Grounds and Greens was June 1, 2020, and at their White Rock cafe (obviously). Everyone remembers what was going on at the time in the world and it was our first time visiting any restaurant after a period of months when all dining rooms were closed. G and G had just opened and would succeed despite those most difficult of circumstances. Not only did they succeed but they have thrived to the point where they have expanded and opened their Fort Langley location! We are delighted to have them closer to us but also that a fully vegan cafe can prove so popular!

I'm sure most specific signage is coming soon but for now look for Plant-Based Cafe at 9124 Glover at 96 Ave. The menu at the new place is mostly the same as at the White Rock location but this time, we were influenced when ordering by our This Is Plant Curious membership. The discount offers buy 1 breads main and get the second free! Whether you are vegan or not, you should check out This Is Plant Curious although, I hope they have an app next year!
We ordered a Brekkie Wrap which featured a tofu and spinach scramble with black beans, hummus and all sorts of good stuff. The side Caesars Salad was a treat as the Caesar dressing which is usually not a plant based thing, was spot on. It set us off on a week of trying to make vegan Caesar dressing at home!
The Boujie Bread was a knock out! Sourdough bread, house made ricotta, and a mix of sauteed mushrooms, garlic confit and a truffled apple honey (yes, vegan). I was so impressed by the sweet element and how it just brought the whole toast thing to a surprising level.
Mharie was eyeing this muffin with the impressive topping of cream cheese icing in the bakery case so we decided to have some dessert! Unfortunately, as we were getting ready to do it some damage, we remembered to ask whether it had flax seeds. You see, Mharie is very allergic to flax seeds and I have an unimpressive record of remembering to ask. It's not like it comes up often, but a healthyish  muffin might be one place....so the muffin became mine and we got her a cookie!
And an impressive cookie it was but not white chocolate as we originally guessed. Still vegan marshmallows are also a bit of a rarity and we enjoyed the cookie.
So a lovely lunch was had by all and then we went for a stroll to the Langley Farmer's Market where we bought some mushrooms form Myca Farms! I expected a sunny Saturday afternoon in Fort Langley to be a bit of a traffic and parking nightmare but don't be afraid! It was actually not to difficult to find parking a little off the main street. The folks at Grounds and Greens are enthusiastic including the owner/chefs Mannel and Ben. These two places are worth a drive whether you are vegan or not!

Food                             5 out of 5
Vegan Options             5 out of 5
Service                         5 out of 5
Comfort                        4 out of 5
Value                            5 out of 5

About Us

Are you guys eating again? At some point Marie and I became the kind of people who take pictures of everything we eat, whether in a restaura...