While many lined up under the sun to buy fresh caught Spot prawns right off the boats, allegedly for $20 a pound, there were other things to do.
There were cooking demonstrations by some of Vancouver's best known chefs. We watched Letitia Wan from Restaurante DiBeppe prepare a Ragu of Spot Prawns, Tondino Bianco d'Abruzzo, Fregola Sardo and Artichoke.
The result looked spectacular but alas, there was not meant to be enough for everyone to taste!
There was eating to be done. For those too cheap to spend $120 on a 6 course brunch for 2 people, there were $10 bowls of Spot Prawn Chowder. Just enough to provide a taste
I felt a little underwhelmed by the chowder but it afforded a little lump of spot prawn to get a sample! At least it came with a bun!
There was music!
And I was very impressed by Project Chef (Cook Healthy Edible Food). These folks go into Vancouver schools and teach students (and their parents) about nutrition. This strikes me as being even more important than spot prawns! Our children continue to be battered with fast food advertising and sugary cereal advertising (as we have been for decades) and it is all so wrong! We will continue to fall short of the level of good health that we could enjoy unless we have a solid understanding of nutrition. I pledge to find out what I can do to support Project Chef and challenge other members of the food blogging community to do the same...But in the short term, we're going to get a few spot prawns to take home with us!
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